Friday, May 29, 2020

5 Factors Millennials Want at Work - But You Dont Have

5 Factors Millennials Want at Work - But You Dont Have Millennials, defined as anyone between ages 18â€"34, have been stereotyped as “entitled,” “apathetic” or “unmotivated”â€"products of an instant gratification culture that touts success without paying dues. However, this assumption doesn’t account for the intrinsic expertise and potential that millennials demonstrate when they feel recognized, effective and purposeful. The members of this generation are game-changers, and they often won’t adhere to established business models. Conformity is just not their nature. Still, rather than seeking to understand how millennials function and re-adjust accordingly, most companies enforce the status quoâ€"then suffer the ramifications of employee burnout. As the employer, you can sidestep this avoidable trend by introducing changes that engage their untapped skills and interests. And here are some tangible starting points if you’re unsure of how those changes should look. 1. Mentorship over management Traditional hierarchy structures have their role in the office, although not where millennials are concerned. This generation does not respond to a fixed chain-of-command and often interprets that form of stratification as micro-management. In fact, a 2016 job burnout survey found that as employees gain more control over their work, they become happier, reducing burnout. This is especially valuable for millennials, according to Peter Economy, “The Leadership Guy” for He explains: Millennials value autonomythey want to be given an assignment and then be trusted to complete it correctly and on time. No one likes to be micromanagedmillennials least of alland doing so is a sure way to lose their loyalty and their engagement. While it’s beneficial to maintain the expectation of authority, millennials are most efficient when a superior coaches them, communicates and offers resources for growth. 2. Impact over income Competitive salaries might recruit millennials to your team initially, but the driving force behind their retention is whether the job creates a sense of purpose. This generation is both informed and enthusiastic about social consciousness, and only 57 percent believe that business leaders are committed to improving society. So what now? “It’s up to company leaders to instill balanced values into the core of the company’s culture, which consist of the three P’s: People, Planet and Prosperity,” says Ted Rollins, global eco-preneur recognized by the Inc. 500. Businesses that support human rights, green living, public health, or community activism help millennials find meaning in their work, boosting retention among this age group. Show your support by planning company volunteer daysâ€"during the week, on company timeâ€"or allowing employees to use an extra PTO day to dedicate time to the cause they care most about. 3. Flexibility over formula A structured work day doesn’t work for millennials. In a recent study called Understand a Misunderstood Generation, 59 percent of millennials in North America said that “flexible work hours” and “enough leisure time for my private life” were the two most important factors in work-life balanceâ€"work-life balance being another millennial driven factor in the modern work world. Ditch that rigidity and empower millennials to finish each assignment on their terms, provided they meet deadlines. A few ideas for making flexible working hours work for your company include: Flex time: A range of starting and stopping times are offered with a mandatory “core” part of the way where everyone is required to be in the office. Compressed work weeks: Employees work 40 hours, but in less than five days. This usually plays out to be four 10-hour work days, with Fridays off. Telecommuting: Employees can work full- or part-time at home, or set one day a week as an all-office work from home day. 4. Connection over contentment “Yuppie” office settings take extreme measures to foster job satisfaction, from on-site meditation circles to boardroom ping-pong tournaments. However, most young employees aren’t inclined toward workplace distractions, instead they’re seeking development opportunities. Don’t approach millennials like children needing entertainment; charge them with adult responsibilities, so they feel connected to business goals. Offer more responsibility, bigger projects, and greater opportunities for growth both in and out of the office. For example, instead of bringing games into the office, host a monthly speaker with a different theme each month. This allows employees to learn and grow on the company dime. 5. Integrity over success When Deloitte asked millennials: “What are the most important values a business should follow if it is to have long-term success?” They had a clear answer. “They responded that businesses should put employees first, and they should have a solid foundation of trust and integrity. Customer care and high-quality, reliable products also ranked relatively high in importance,” explains Deloitte. Only 5 percent noted profit-focused values are important for long-term success. To avoid issues with the millennials in your company, be transparent in your business goals and involve employees in developing them. Make employees important, ensuring their comfort and happiness within the companyâ€"after all, without them, you don’t have much of a company. Millennials may get a bad reputation, but their attention to detail, desire to make a difference, and need for more personal time simply reflects the world they live in. Take this into account if you’re struggling to keep millennials on board. A few small changes could go a long way in impressing this age group and boosting loyalty. About the author: Jessica Thiefels has been writing for more than 10 years and is currently a professional blogger and freelance writer. She now owns her own business and has been featured on Forbes. She’s also written for StartupNation, Manta, Glassdoor and more.  

Monday, May 25, 2020

5 Ways to Grow Your Personal Brand on the Job - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

5 Ways to Grow Your Personal Brand on the Job - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Personal branding is not just for job seekers. If you want to position yourself for future success, it’s only logical to continue building and maintaining your personal brand on the job, too. Josh Hyatt, a writer for Forbes, once wrote, “successful employees working at large companies desperately need to create a ‘brand within a brand,’ a professional passport that travels with them from place to place.” Growing one’s personal brand needs to be about developing yourself, not promoting yourself. You can do so by highlighting special strengths and being a team player adding value to your current company while simultaneously letting you transition into the next one, Hyatt says. Adding value Become an intrapreneur. Diving into intrapreneurship is a great way to build your brand, and, possibly, create something amazing in the process. Intrapreneurship allows you to be creative and pursue an idea from within your current company, often using the company’s resources to do so. Did you know that many of today’s great ideas came from intrapreneurship? Among them: Post-It Notes, Sony Playstation, and customer frequency cards. Take the lead on a project. Volunteering to head up a major task or new project not only helps position you as a leader within the organization, but also allows you to work with the individuals within your department in a small group setting. Help to delegate responsibilities and keep the project moving forward. Help others in times of need. Good karma is something that you should always aim for in your career. You have special strengths and skills that others may not possessâ€"use those to help others out when they need it: if they’re struggling on a task, need to miss work for personal reasons, etc. It’s likely their special skills and strengths will eventually be something you’re in need of, so start the good karma rolling and get ahead of the game. Pipe up with fresh ideas. Sometimes, especially in large workplaces, it can be difficult to share your thoughts and ideas with your team or department. You may not have time to do so, or you may feel like your idea isn’t worthy of sharing. However, because each person perceives situations and tasks slightly differently from others, your ideas may be just what is necessary to move forward with a projectâ€"so don’t silence yourself before anyone has a chance to hear them! Strive to impress. Sometimes, when you get comfortable in a job, it can be easy to settle into a routine and forget about thinking outside of it. But it’s important â€" for your brand’s and the company’s sake â€" to always strive to do more. Come up with new ideas, implement a better way of doing something, etc. People will notice, and your brand will thank you! How do you grow your brand on the job? Author: Heather R. Huhman is a career expert, experienced hiring manager, and founder president of Come Recommended, a  content marketing consultancy for organizations with products that target job seekers and/or employers. She is also the author of #ENTRYLEVELtweet: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle (2010) and writes  career and recruiting advice for numerous outlets.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Let Your Light Shine - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Let Your Light Shine - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career My friend refers to the moment a new idea is born as the “ah-ha moment”. All new business begins with that special inspiration.  Think about the light-bulb, Henry Fords first car, or more recently, recycling.  Through the ages, the public initially deemed these novel ideas to be nuts.  But the inventors kept on forging forward. Years ago, many of us were deemed ridiculous upon announcing our intentions of moving to the brand new Silicon Valley. Years later, we heard Apple Computer dismissed as a wannabe.  It was said it would never go anywhere.  Now Im betting the people who made the pronouncement are sorry they didnt buy stock in the company! You have to believe in yourself Through the years I have met many highly successful people who said their biggest battle was not letting the naysayers win. The first person who has to believe 100% in your business effort is you. So the questions become: 1. What do you believe?   As an experienced salesperson, I can tell you that the moment there was a single doubt about the people, the process or the technology behind what I was supposed to sell, I stopped in my tracks. As a business owner, it becomes an immense responsibility to be certain everything works upfront as promised. 2. What do you want? You will be extremely lucky to never encounter another who says, “that won’t work”! Examine your priorities and goals. What would you truly like to achieve regardless of the learning curve? Are you willing to pursue it no matter the unforeseen setbacks or remarks of others? In its infancy, Apple Computer was a partnership between Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. It dissolved. Jobs went elsewhere only to return a few years later. Wozniak left, Jobs became CEO, and redesigned his vision for Apple Computer. The journey and the process were difficult, but in the end, Apple became a recognizable force. Are you willing to risk the bumps in the road to get to your destination? 3. How will you get there?   Do you need a team of people in place or will you be in charge of everything initially? This topic requires consideration. Last week I received a recommendation of groups to contact for our “Be Inspired to Get HIRED!” event on April 27. In my reply, I stated that I look forward to making the calls. An email returned within seconds exclaiming I should hire the calls out, as my time would be better spent creating more content. For most people, the recommendation might be true. Perhaps calling cold is not your favorite thing to do either. I happen to enjoy it immensely as I usually make good new friends in the process. Business is likely to come from the connections, not just for the one event but for future ones too. It would be detrimental for me to hire this out. The point is, only you truly know where you need the most help, and that’s where you should seek it. While your roadmap will change through the years, have a starting plan with flexibility built into it. Remember, it’s your roadmap, not that of someone else. Own it. This is your personal brand. Embracing these concepts and working each and every day toward your vision will steer you to the Smooth Sale! Author: Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, LLC, (800) 704-1499, was honored by Open View Labs with inclusion in their international list of “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and the best selling career book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press. She provides team sales training, private coaching and highly acclaimed inspirational keynotes for conferences.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

4 Tips of Career Advice For Young People To Succeed In Any Job

4 Tips of Career Advice For Young People To Succeed In Any Job When you want to be a superstar at work, these 4 acts of work will not go unnoticed. Make sure that noticing is for all the good reasons. This post is sponsored by SecureTheJob.  The first community platform where users share job-specific career advice. Career Advice for young people does not end when you find a job. It only transforms from basic to advanced level of career advice. When you are in a job and realise there are hundreds of other people just like you who want to progress their careers, it can be a difficult realisation.  Ive got some career advice for young people who are in jobs but wondering what can one do to further their career. When you start working, you will be given small tasks to see how you cope before entrusting you with a larger piece of work. Its these small tasks and how you do them that defines how you progress. 1. Focus on delivery Heres one piece of career advice for young people, focus on delivering what you are expected to deliver. A business makes money on what it ships outta the door / service it provides / software it sells / advice it gives and for all of this, you have to deliver to the customer. Focus on delivering your piece of work in a timely manner. If you can deliver your small / big task in time, it will help the overall project. And eventually affects the bottom line of the business. 2. Do what you said you will do, when you said you will do This ties into the delivery bit remember to always do what you promised to do. Your boss, she will be expecting and scheduling rest of the work on timescales youve given her. It is important to be that person who is known to deliver when he promises he will deliver. This isnt just career advice for young people, this should be part of your DNA. Always do what you promised you will do. It can be easy to look at small tasks and think you will deliver 2 big tasks and not do one small task. No. If you said you will do all three tasks at work by x date, then do them. You need to become the employee that can be trusted to deliver in a timely manner, when promised. 3. Dont surprise your manager and never a bad surprise Ive rarely seen a manager say shes pleasantly surprised by any work. Its either a good bonus to finish earlier or deliver more than promised or its a bad surprise / shock of it not being done at all. This piece of career advice for young people is often overlooked as they try to postpone the bad news as much as possible. Look, there are times when you may be struggling and know that you cannot deliver to the time scale. In that event, let your manager know as soon as possible. She will be more appreciative if she knows well in advance what to expect, than get a surprise on the day before the project is due for completion. Nobody likes a bad surprise and make sure you are not the person constantly giving these bad surprises. Let your manager know about any slippages or delays in advance, and she may be able to help or even support you by offering additional resource to the project. 4.  Career advice for young people think about your career! Huh? What? Ofcourse I think about my career. I want to become a team leader in 2 years and then a manager in 5 years. I will work hard and work my way up the ladder. Ive already thought about my career. If thats what youve thought for your career, then we have a problem. When you start working, nobody is going to spoon feed you with career advice. You need  a Individual Development Plan (IDP). It does not have to be fancy, but a more thought through way of how you want to progress and what you need to do. Get your managers buy in. Once she knows what you want to do in your career, she could help by putting you on projects that help you gain relevant skillset. For e.g. You could say in 2/3 years you want to become a team leader. For that you need experience in leading a small team for a part of the project. You would also like to have the opportunity to work with the customer and understand their requirements, etc. Your manager will look at it and take that as a voluntary submission of when she is looking for members of her team to help with various roles. The 4 steps above are true  for any level of management. However, when you start new you need to showcase these qualities to build trust. If you like the post or have any comments, please let me know in the comments section below. Share the post with anyone who is starting a new role or struggling to make an impact at work! This post is sponsored by SecureTheJob.  The first community platform where users share job-specific career advice. 66

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The ultimate library survival guide for university students

The ultimate library survival guide for university students This post was written by an external contributor.  Seren Morris has put together a library guide to get all students through this stressful time of year.   Reading week is over and the final semester is fully upon us. First and final year students alike will swarm the library and mercilessly study away from dawn until dusk (sometimes through until dawn again). They will struggle to find seats, waste precious studying time in line for coffee and spend their hard earned student loan on meal deals. They might even commit the cardinal library sin: spending eight long hours hunched over a desk, only to achieve next to nothing. Well, not anymore, with The Ultimate Library Survival Guide. Pack wisely Everyone’s library journey begins at home, so the first step is to pack effectively. Dont be weighed down by non-essential books, drowning in loose papers and struggling to find a pen. Clear your bag out, and only pack what you truly need: a laptop, laptop charger, phone, phone charger, headphones, important notes, your pencil case and the essential books. Make sure to pack a bottle of water (preferably reusable), and a packed lunch, but more on that later. Plan, plan, plan Now that you’ve reached the library, dont get daunted by the eight hours or more stretching out ahead of you. The first task of the studying day should always be to plan. Make a list/timetable, prioritise which tasks need to be done first, and estimate how long they will take. Give yourself some leeway and make time for study breaks and lunch. If there are any tasks on your list that will take five minutes or less, do those first. It is an easy way of reducing the amount you have to do, making that list look a lot more achievable. Ignore your friends While this may sound harsh, sometimes its needed. We all know the feeling of sitting down in the quiet area, getting all your books out and feeling eager to start, only to look up and find your chattiest friend bounding your way? Many a library hour has been wasted chatting to friends out of being to polite or it being too awkward to ask them to kindly leave you be. However, desperate times call for desperate measures, so quietly pop your headphones in and tell your friend you will meet them for a coffee break later. Take a break On that note, make sure to take enough breaks throughout the day. Breaks are crucial to your well being, you dont want to burn out or cause yourself any unnecessary stress. As my previous point suggested, you could go for a coffee with a friend, just make sure it doesnt run on, and on, and on Be frugal with your time! Also, if you are partial to a cup of coffee or six, bring your own. The coffee at your student union may seem cheap, but like everything else it soon adds up. Any requests? Some people like to work in silence, while others need music to concentrate. So what music should you be listening to? Luckily, Debut have created The Ultimate Focus Playlist, with the option of with or without lyrics. Just one tip, dont be that person who is completely unaware that they are blasting heavy metal through their earphones for the whole floor to hear. You know who I mean. Lunch time It is important to take time for lunch. Set some time aside to eat, dont scoff down a sandwich while furiously writing away. Leave your desk, go to the cafe and take a proper break. However, try not to get caught up in the meal deal life. Sure, £3 doesnt sound like much, it’s a bargain right? Not so much when you do it five times a week and suddenly youve spent £15, (not including the extra coffee and snacks) Instead, take a packed lunch! Why not try one of Debut’s sandwich recipes? Home time When to leave? Dont let that one person who spends 12 hours or more in the library each day get to you. Everyone concentrates for varying amounts of time, so dont be disheartened if you can only study for a couple of hours at a time. What you do in those couple of hours is what matters. Also, if you prefer to work at 7pm than 7am, that’s okay too! Just be sure to spend an adequate, yet healthy, amount of time at the library, whenever that may be. Health matters All-nighters might not be as productive as you think. While studying at university, especially during this last semester, you have to prioritise your health. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise, eat well, see your friends and make time to relax. Spending all day, every day, in the library is good for nobody and can be destructive in the long term. Approach your library time as you would a school day; it shouldnt take over your life. So, stick to The Ultimate Library Survival Guide and you should be alright. I can’t guarantee any firsts, but I can guarantee a more pleasant library experience, which at this time of year is what we all need. Download Debut  and  connect with us on  Facebook,  Twitter  and  LinkedIn  for more careers insights.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Changing Careers

Changing Careers Changing one’s career path takes initiative, and often it’s not straightforward. However, the end result is worth the effort â€" it’s just a matter of getting from here to there. Based on my own recent experience in changing careers, the following may be useful to consider: Reach out to and extend the fringes of your network â€" they are more likely to lead you to your new field than the people who have been core to you in your prior incarnation. Treat networking as part of your job description, and always have your business card with you. Test those six degrees of separation, and remember to formally thank the people you have met. Tell everyone what you are trying to do â€" if they don’t know, they can’t help, and most people want to help. Plus, it helps to practice your “elevator pitch”. Reframe the way you present yourself â€" work on developing your new brand with the goal of making it less risky for others to choose you. Figure out what is important to the people in your target career and how they think; position yourself in a way that will make them see you as like-minded (you need a certain degree of commonality to convince them that you can successfully adapt) yet someone who can distinctly add value. These days, most adults will have at least seven jobs over the span of their career, and it helps to think of yourself as an independent agent and learn to market yourself effectively. If you have been a banker who has done a lot of coaching and mentoring, you are also an experienced coach and mentor who happens to have been a banker. Your story is your story and it has to hang together, but there are a variety of ways you can tell it. Build on your existing strengths and expertise â€" they are a bridge to your new era of meaningful work, and they make it easier to succeed in your new mission. As tempting as it is to completely change direction and close the door on the past, it helps to build on at least some of the capabilities that got you this far. Sometimes, there are no non-stop flights from where you are to where you want to go. However, a series of connecting flights can ultimately get you there. Keep at it â€" life is indeed a journey, and the important thing is to just keep going, even if you need to make midcourse corrections. Resilience is an important ingredient to a long, happy and prosperous carer. I wish you all the best for yours.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Resume Writing Services For Career Growth

Resume Writing Services For Career GrowthThe services of resume writing companies in Louisville KY are highly regarded and must be booked in advance, since so many of them are ready to help their clients. They provide proofreading services and other editing services, as well as planning of conferences, events, etc. for the benefit of their clients. They also offer training and development services, which are of great benefit to the candidates and can have a major impact on the interview as well as the job-hunting process.Many such companies are situated all over Kentucky, and some even have websites to serve as the official offices. You should therefore look for those that are near to your home town. Though the rates are quite affordable, it is still best to search for them online before you go to book them. There are so many of them out there and you will only be able to pick up the best among them when you research on your own.If you are looking for professional services for Louisv ille KY, then you will find that most of them provide service through the internet. Most of the individuals working for such companies are specialists and understand their requirements very well. They are updated about the latest job market trends and also deal with several companies so that they can learn and acquire a better knowledge of the job market.Though the service of hiring the perfect person is very important, it is also important to prepare your resume for Louisville KY. It is one of the most important documents that can make or break your chances of getting a job. Thus, it is important to get the resume right. You should not just keep the cover letter and resume but also include the training and development skills that will greatly benefit your career.However, it is very difficult to know which one to use because they are all available in the market. One might not be of any particular interest to you, while the other can be of immense help to you. So, it is important to understand your personal requirement and prepare your own personal resume. It will surely make a difference.One of the services that are highly recommended by a lot of professionals are the ability to customize your resume as per your specific needs. This means that your resume will be customized in accordance to the information that you have provided on the form. Therefore, you will not have to worry about providing wrong information and this can be a blessing if you fail to write one. They have special teams that can give you proper feedback will always be beneficial for the applicant.Companies also offer round the clock service for the applicants. This means that you can send as the resume at any time of the day or night. In this regard, one has to be alert so that he or she will not miss the deadline. If the company is not of any use then why go to them.With the help of such services, you can easily place your application for a job in Louisville KY without any hassle. You will b e glad to know that all such companies have the necessary credentials to provide quality services to their clients. So, take the necessary steps and make a strong resume and you will surely land a good job opportunity in Louisville KY.